Active Aging Expo Sponsorships
Know a business, medical specialist, senior service provider, corporation, attorney, university, housing community, holistic health practitioner, bank, insurer, or nonprofit who serves Active Agers well? Let them know about the incredible sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities available for The 15th Annual Active Aging Expo!
To see what’s included in each sponsorship package, check out the Active Aging Expo Sponsorship Packet below. To make the packet fullscreen, click the three dots on the bottom right and select Fullscreen. All sponsorship packages also include ad placement in the Expo Resource Directory. The Resource Directory is a 5 x 8 glossy printed booklet with all participating Expo vendors and is distributed to every attendee and throughout the community. You can find last year’s Expo Resource Directory in the orange side menu on the right side of the page.
Active Aging Expo Sponsorship Packet
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the Active Aging Health Expo and want to buy your package today, please use the form below! We greatly appreciate your contribution and can’t wait to see you there!
Have more questions about renting a table or becoming an expo sponsor? Please contact Bruce or Shawn at The Pride Center.
Bruce Williams
Active Aging Manager
954.463.9005 x109
Shawn White
Active Aging Specialist
954.463.9005 x114