Become A Member
Join The Pride Center at Equality Park
It is with great pride that we offer you an opportunity to join our growing family. We are sure you will enjoy the benefits of membership. Funds raised through membership keep The Pride Center vital and active throughout the year, allowing The Pride Center to provide a safe and nurturing environment for individuals and groups.
Become a part of The Pride Center
- Gain the satisfaction of knowing that your donation makes a difference and benefits the vital services the center provides.
- You receive discounts on facility rentals and activities.
- Business Founders can place their business cards or brochures in our community area.
- Individual members can place personal announcements on the Bulletin Board at The Center.
- You receive special announcements and updates via e-mail.
- You receive your I Am Pride membership card which can give you discounts at various businesses.
Why should you join or renew your membership?
Because you will be helping The Pride Center provide a variety of programs and services to the community, such as:
- Active Aging (offering interactive social events for active agers)
- HIV Testing (performing more than 150 tests per month)
- LGBTQ+ Referrals (for individuals seeking services and businesses that are LGBTQ+ friendly)
- Transgender Services (supportive services for individuals of transgender experience)
- Wellness with Pride (holistic and traditional health and wellness offerings)
- Women with Pride (networking, social, and educational events for women by women)
- 50+ Groups (meeting for support, education, health and wellness, and more.)
By enrolling as a member, you have shown your support and dedication to your fellow community members and the businesses that provide the products and services that make a living in South Florida so enjoyable. We thank you for that! The Pride Center could not survive without the generosity of our community members.
More Info & Help
For information on benefits and ways to partner with your business or corporation or join The Pride Center Founders Circle, please contact
Rebecca D’Amico, Director of Development at 954.463.9005 x 105
For an invoice, please contact Blanca Puerta (
Memberships are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.