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The Pride Center’s RESPECT Program provides individual, client-focused HIV prevention counseling services. Three recent clients share testimonials about their experience. To learn more about RESPECT, contact Albert or Emilio at 954.463.9005


“I started a relationship with a guy that was wonderful. We always wanted to have safe sex and we decided to go and get tested before we would have unsafe sex… I was a little hesitant at first to get tested. So, we went to get tested at this one place and I chickened out. I didn’t want to know. It was kind of easier to go on and pretend even though in the back of my mind I knew I was probably positive… But, when I went to sleep that night I couldn’t sleep and then I knew it was heavy on my mind…

So, I came to The Pride Center to officially get tested and to get help in finding treatment… I felt very welcomed.

I met Albert, the RESPECT counselor, and from the very start he was very friendly with a smile on his face. And, I felt like he cared. Sometimes you go to a doctor and you feel like they don’t care at all. Albert basically just took care of me and took care of everything for me..

If I forgot what I was supposed to do or forget where I am suppose to go, he was always right on top of it to make sure I would go where I am suppose to go. He was very informative and knowledgeable… I made my first doctor’s appointment and will return soon to see my lab work and to see what medications I may be taking… I am confident that everything is going to be fine. And, this is thanks to the RESPECT counselor.”


“Faith: today I walk by faith and in all things I give thanks to God. I’m very thankful for The Pride Center and its work… Through their love, compassion, and services The Pride Center has helped me to stay clean today… 

I met Penelope in HIV Testing and I feel like she was my God sent angel for that day. She guided me to the path that I am on now. Through her intuition she was able to recognize my needs and recommend support. She introduced me to the RESPECT counselor. He was able to guide me to the next level of care. Feeling very grateful my test results were negative, I was very well educated on how to eliminate the risk of catching HIV by changing my behaviors. He introduced me to other staff filled with compassion and care about humanity and personal well- being.

In just a few short weeks my life has turned around. I am clean and sober and The Pride Center played a big part in my desire to have a
better life.”


“I awoke one morning and wasn’t feeling well. It continued for a number of days. My boyfriend told me that I should get tested. He mentioned The Pride Center since he had been tested there before… I was very annoyed because I didn’t think I needed to get tested. I thought it was ridiculous and unnecessary…

I met a counselor and he explained to me he was a RESPECT counselor and informed me I would have access to one on one counseling and we could talk about risk reduction behaviors, and he would be able to provide referrals if necessary. I signed for the program as I was still bewildered for being there to be tested… He was very open and easy to talk to. He was extremely supportive.

When the test was confirmed positive, he assisted me in making the necessary appointments so I may get into proper medical care and support for newly diagnosed individuals… All my questions answered. Everything was awesome.

My emotional state is much better and I am adjusting to my new life style… But, I can still come to Pride Center for support if I have any questions or concerns or thoughts.”

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