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Hours and Days:
Beginning Saturday, December 4, The Center will be open Saturdays and Sundays 12 pm (noon) to 5 pm. Then, beginning Monday, December 6, The Center will be open Monday through Friday from 10 am to 10 pm for the Cyber Center, group meetings, events and public gatherings. This returns our public hours to the schedule pre-COVID pandemic.
Facial Coverings and Physical Distance:
During this phase of reopening, everyone must continue to respect physical distance and wear a mask or facial covering over mouth and nose while in common areas and public spaces on campus. This includes when arriving to the lobby, in the halls, in the Cyber Center, in the bathrooms, when in common areas and when leaving interior spaces.
Once inside a closed meeting space for any room rental, including ongoing group meetings or special events, individual rentals will have autonomy beginning this weekend to determine how their group or event wants to address facial coverings and physical distance, including furniture set-ups. If a group or event rental determines they want to remove facial coverings while inside their closed room, they may do so. If any group wants to continue the use of masks, they may. This also means, beginning next week, that furniture will no longer be pre-set in rooms by Center staff in accordance with physical distancing guidelines. Individual groups will determine the physical set up of their room. Please contact Customer Service Coordinator Samantha McCoy with any questions about room rentals.
Food and Beverages:
Similarly, food and beverages will not be allowed in common spaces and areas like lobbies and seating areas. Within a closed meeting space, however, ongoing groups and one-time events will have the autonomy to determine their use of food and beverage. Please note: if any group or event intends to allow food and beverage within their room rental, please let Samantha McCoy know so she can review policies and procedures in your new contract with you.
Reopening in Stages:
At The Center, continued reopening in stages facilitates the effective resolution of operational issues as we migrate closer to “normal” conditions. Reopening in phases ensures our ability to recognize and cooperatively plan for necessary adjustments. In short: we’ll continue to evolve. You’ll see our policies, rules and parameters expand, evolve and change. We will continue to keep attuned to best practices and guidelines of the WHO, CDC, the State of Florida and Broward County as we responsibly increase our in-person services to the community based on science and best-practices. We will keep a watchful eye on variants like Omicron. Appropriate signage is in place throughout buildings communicating necessary policies and procedures regarding safety guidelines, health concerns, mask wearing and physical distancing. We will continue to work collaboratively to safeguard the most vulnerable in our communities.
New Group or Events Contracts:
Please contact Samantha McCoy to establish a new contract, as appropriate, for group or event rentals.
We have come a long way. Let us remain ever vigilant and safe to ensure progress.
Our Mission Statement:
We provide a welcoming, safe space–an inclusive home–that celebrates, nurtures and empowers the LGBTQ+ communities and our friends and neighbors in South Florida.

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